template<typename Mapper = detail::asio::map_default>
cti::use_continuable_t struct

Type used as an ASIO completion token to specify an asynchronous operation that should return a continuable_base.

Template parameters

The token can be instantiated with a custom mapper for asio error codes which makes it possible to ignore errors or treat them as cancellation types. The mapper has the following form:

struct my_mapper {
  constexpr my_mapper() noexcept {}

  /// Returns true when the error_code_t is a type which represents
  /// cancellation and
  bool is_cancellation(error_code_t const& /*ec*/) const noexcept {
    return false;
  bool is_ignored(error_code_t const& /*ec*/) const noexcept {
    return false;
  • Boost 1.70 or asio 1.13.0 is required for the async initiation
  • Until boost 1.72 or asio 1.16.0 overhead through an additional type erasure is added. It is recommended to update to those versions.

The special static variable use_continuable can be appended to any (boost) asio function that accepts a callback to make it return a continuable_base.

#include <continuable/continuable.hpp>
#include <continuable/external/asio.hpp>
#include <asio.hpp>

// ...

asio::tcp::resolver resolver(...);
resolver.async_resolve("", "daytime", cti::use_continuable)
  .then([](asio::udp::resolver::iterator iterator) {
    // ...