Result module

provides the result class and corresponding utility functions to work with the result of an asynchronous operation which can possibly yield:


  • no result: If the operation didn't finish
  • a value: If the operation finished successfully
  • an exception: If the operation finished with an exception or was cancelled.


struct cti::empty_result
A class which is convertible to any result and that definitely holds no value so the real result gets invalidated when this object is passed to it.
struct cti::cancellation_result
A class which is convertible to any result and that definitely holds a default constructed exception which signals the cancellation of the asynchronous control flow.
class cti::exceptional_result
A class which is convertible to any result and that holds an exception which is then passed to the converted result object.
template<typename... T>
class cti::result
The result class can carry the three kinds of results an asynchronous operation possibly can return, it's implemented in a variant like data structure which is also specialized to hold arbitrary arguments.


using void_arg_t = detail::void_arg_t
A tag which represents present void values in result.


template<std::size_t I, typename... T>
auto get(result<T...>& result) -> decltype(auto)
Returns the value at position I of the given result.
template<std::size_t I, typename... T>
auto get(result<T...> const& result) -> decltype(auto)
Returns the value at position I of the given result.
template<std::size_t I, typename... T>
auto get(result<T...>&& result) -> decltype(auto)
Returns the value at position I of the given result.
template<typename... T, typename Result = result<detail::traits::unrefcv_t<T>...>>
auto make_result(T && ... values) -> Result
Creates a present result from the given values.
auto make_result(exception_arg_t, exception_t exception) -> exceptional_result
Creates an exceptional_result from the given exception.

Typedef documentation

using void_arg_t = detail::void_arg_t

A tag which represents present void values in result.

Function documentation

template<typename... T, typename Result = result<detail::traits::unrefcv_t<T>...>>
Result make_result(T && ... values)

Creates a present result from the given values.

This could be used to pass the result of the next handler to the same asynchronous path it came from as shown below:

make_ready_continuable().next([&](auto&&... args) {
  result<> captured = make_result(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);
  return shutdown().then([captured = std::move(captured)]() mutable {
    return std::move(captured);

exceptional_result make_result(exception_arg_t, exception_t exception)

Creates an exceptional_result from the given exception.

This could be used to pass the result of the next handler to the same asynchronous path it came from as shown below:

make_ready_continuable().next([&](auto&&... args) {
  result<> captured = make_result(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...);
  return shutdown().then([captured = std::move(captured)]() mutable {
    return std::move(captured);